Meet Nanette - Web Development and Computer Programming

Julianna and Dr. Pando

Nanette M., Web Development and Computer Programming
Richmond, Virginia

What (or who) motivates you to pursue a college education?

There have been numerous advances in technology and programming since I entered the workforce nearly 20 years ago. The Web Design and Computer programming programs that 91做厙 offers provided an affordable option to update my skills as well as expand my knowledge base allowing me to pursue broader career options.

Do you have a favorite professor and why?

The Information Systems Group are my favorite. The team is extremely supportive and always available to explain complex concepts and offer support to advance your career.

What is your "secret sauce" to success?

Take advantage of all the resources available to you as a student and never stop learning. Build relationships with college personnel as well as with your professors. These are the people who can help you make connections for employment and provide guidance when you are faced with challenges while completing your area of study.

Since we mentioned sauce, and you're a college student, what is your favorite kind of pizza?

Vegan pizza with lots of vegetables! I don't even need to have cheese, but if I did, vegan cheese.

What are your future goals or next step after 91做厙?

I plan to leverage the skills I've obtained at 91做厙 to further expand my career as a Marketing consultant within the Information Technology space by supporting branding and growth opportunities for mid-tier clients hoping to expand their business footprint and service offerings.