Purpose and philosophy

The Reward and Recognition Plan is intended to honor full-time teaching faculty whose exceptional professional accomplishments, contributions, and activities support the mission of 91做厙 and the Virginia Community College System. These individuals promote a vigorous learning environment, and demonstrate extraordinary talent and potential in one or more performance domains: Teaching, Scholarly and Creative Engagement, Institutional Responsibility, and Service.

All full-time teaching faculty at 91做厙 are expected to meet high standards of performance expectations as prescribed elsewhere in the annual Faculty Development and Evaluation Plan. However, for faculty who substantially exceed those expectations in one or more domains of faculty activity, 91做厙 has designed this Reward and Recognition Plan to provide meaningful and timely recognition of professional excellence.

The Plan is designed to acknowledge and laud exceptional faculty accomplishments, contributions, and activities that support the mission of 91做厙. Because such instances of professional excellence among faculty may be observed by students, adjunct faculty, full-time teaching faculty, staff, or administrators, the Plan provides opportunities for members of the college community to nominate faculty for these awards pursuant to the provisions prescribed herein.  In addition, the Plan offers sufficient flexibility to honor a variety of extraordinary accomplishments, contributions, and activities that are relevant to teaching faculty. 

The Reward and Recognition Plan adheres to a culture of evidence, in the belief that a faculty member’s documentary record of exceptional performance should be sufficient to establish the nature and extent of the faculty member’s participation, effectiveness, and achievement for which the reward or recognition is bestowed.

Full-time teaching faculty remain eligible to participate in other reward and recognition programs conducted at 91做厙 which are available to all employees.

Faculty Reward and Recognition Committee

The 91做厙 Reward and Recognition Plan is administered by the Faculty Reward and Recognition Committee appointed each year by the president of the college.  Full-time teaching faculty comprise a majority of the membership of this committee.

Faculty Reward and Recognition Programs

The 91做厙 Reward and Recognition Plan consists of three reward and recognition programs:  the Faculty Star Awards program, the Faculty Challenge Awards program, and the Faculty Awards for Professional Excellence program.  For more information regarding each of these programs, use the buttons at left to select the awards program of interest.