Are you ready to receive a quality education at a fraction of the cost of four-year colleges? Many of our professors at 91做厙 also teach at four-year universities like Virginia Commonwealth, University of Richmond, and private online colleges.

What type of transfer student are you?

I’m interested in saving more than $20,000 by starting at 91做厙 in a transfer program and completing my associate degree before transferring to a four-year school.

If you want to get started at 91做厙, and complete two years of your program and then transfer to another college or university, check out our Guaranteed Transfer pathway.

I know 91做厙 is the largest feeder of students to VCU, and prepares them for future success as a Ram. I want to get my start at 91做厙 before transferring to VCU.

Arts and Humanities Transfer to VCU

The Mellon Pathways Program offers support and resources to students who are completing an Associate's degree at 91做厙 and plan to transfer to VCU to complete their Bachelor's degree in the Arts & Humanities. Paul Williams, Mellon Grant Transfer Coach, is available to meet with students to discuss the benefits of the Mellon Pathways Program. Contact Mr. Williams at

STEM Transfer to VCU

 offers resources and support for students at 91做厙 Community College who plan to transfer to VCU to complete their bachelor's degree in a math or science discipline. Elizabeth Heck, VCU STEM Transfer Coordinator, is available to meet with students to discuss options and create a plan for a successful transition to VCU. Please email Ms. Heck at to schedule a virtual appointment.

I’d like to take some typically harder classes at 91做厙, when I’m home from college, to allow me to focus on these subjects and keep my GPA strong - then transfer these classes back to my home institution.

If you are already a student at another college, and looking to take some classes at 91做厙 to transfer back to your home institution, go to our Visiting Transfer Student page for next steps.

I would like to transfer credits from another college or university and graduate from 91做厙.

If you intend to graduate from 91做厙 Community College, please send official transcripts from your previous institutions to the Registrar's Office,, 804-523-5030. Classes that match will be applied to your degree or certificate program.

If you have not chosen a program, you must do so for credit to be applied. To declare a program, contact Advising Services at 523-5359 for assistance or meet with an advisor.

I’m not sure. And I’d like to speak with a transfer advisor to learn what path is best for me.

Call or email to set up an appointment so we can help you get on the path that is best for you. 

Did you know? You may be eligible for the College Transfer Grant!

Students interested in transferring to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor's degree may be eligible for the College Transfer Grant upon transferring. For more information about the transfer grant and the application, go to the  page.