"Faculty Star" awards recognize extraordinary and exemplary professional contributions by full-time teaching faculty in one or more of the following areas: Teaching, Scholarly and Creative Engagement, Institutional Responsibility, and Service. The Virginia Community College System (VCCS) has designed this awards program to provide a consistent method of recognizing faculty for their often substantial, additional contributions to the 91做厙.

Who is a Faculty Star?

"Faculty Star" awards are designed to distinguish faculty members who add value to the college community by exceeding standard expectations in the areas of Teaching, Scholarly and Creative Engagement, Institutional Responsibility, and Service. In order to acknowledge such contributions, the "Faculty Star" awards program provides continuous opportunities for members of the 91做厙 community to identify full-time teaching faculty who should be considered for a "Faculty Star" award.

How can I nominate a Faculty Star?

Please complete the  to nominate a faculty member.

How are recipients chosen?

The Faculty Reward and Recognition Committee will review nominations for "Faculty Star" awards regularly throughout the year in a blind review process to determine if the activity or contribution described is consistent with the intent of the "Faculty Star" awards program. Nominees who are to receive a "Faculty Star" award will be notified monthly.

What will Faculty Stars receive?

The number, nature, and value of Faculty Star awards will vary and are to be determined by the Faculty Reward and Recognition Committee. Faculty Star awards are expected to be of non-monetary or de minimis value and are in the form of gift cards, vouchers, or tickets redeemable for specific goods, services, or other benefits having no cash-equivalent value. Recipients of a Faculty Star Award are responsible for any tax liabilities associated with acceptance of this award.

91做厙 Faculty Stars

