
Josh Watson - Instructor - English

Josh Watson with sons Andrew (left)
and baby William (right).
Where did you grow up and what was it like?
I grew up right here in Richmond, VA! Went to Godwin High School, attending 91做厙, and graduated from VCU with my BA & MA.

How long have you worked for 91做厙?
As of August 2019 I have been with 91做厙 for ten years.

What sparked your interest in English?
My high school English teacher taught me the value of expressing myself through writing and Paul Carlton (a retired professor from here) taught me about the fun you can have studying literature.

What are the most challenging and most rewarding aspects of being an English Instructor?
Both would have to be giving each student the opportunity to work and explore beyond the walls of academia. Helping students see the application of what they learn here in a "real world" context makes the experience so much more real for them and I love seeing that realization evolve into energy and passion for their future.

You are in the first ACUE cohort group. What impact do you foresee the program having on 91做厙 and our students?
Students will continue to see an engaged group of faculty that are making the classroom come alive with dynamic activities that will have them working with their contemporaries here and across Richmond. In that regard, 91做厙 will grow to become even more of what it was always meant to be: a pillar for surrounding communities in every sense of the word.

If you had one extra hour a day, how would you use it?
Reading with my sons. We're currently working through the Last Kids on Earth series.

What do you like to do outside of your work at 91做厙?
I enjoy tabletop gaming (Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer 40K) as well as making wooden cutouts for my Halloween display (tombstones, scary figures, etc.).

What do like most about Richmond? Favorite places to visit? Favorite restaurants?
Lately my oldest son and I have spent quite a bit of time exploring the rich and diverse collection of cemeteries and graveyards around Richmond. His favorite is currently Hollywood Cemetery for its crypts and climbable trees. Our goal is to leave a single polished stone in every graveyard and cemetery in Richmond to mark our visit and honor those that have passed.

If you won $100 Million in the Mega Millions lottery what would you do with the money?
Keep 10 million for my family and put the rest into a fund for independent projects in Richmond (conserving historical buildings, art instillation projects such as the mural project, tuition funding for college students, etc.). Investing (wisely) in the future is never a bad idea.