
Meet Nakia James

EMS Program Coordinator

Where did you grow up and what was it like?
I grew up in Prince George, VA, a very rural county about 45 minutes south of Richmond, VA. I am an identical twin and one of 4 siblings. I grew up in a two parent household, in which I was very active in church and High School sports. I grew up serving and helping others at a very young age through various outreach activities in the community and my church. I can honestly say I had a very good childhood in the sense of a loving and happy family.

This summer you were selected as 91做厙 EMS Coordinator, but you were already a member of 91做厙 faculty. How long have you worked for 91做厙, and what was your previous role?
I worked as an adjunct faculty member through a high school EMT dual enrollment program and Governor's STEM Academy, located at the Richmond Technical Center as a part of Richmond Public Schools. I served as the Lead STEM Instructor (Department Head) and EMS Program instructor for 10 years, totaling 15 years as an instructor at the Richmond Technical Center. I also taught EMT courses for the Richmond Adult Technical Center at night. I have worked as a member of the 91做厙 Adjunct faculty for 8 years.

What sparked your interest in EMS work?
My older brother who was in EMS sparked my interest well before I was old enough to participate in my local Rescue Squad. Instead, I would ride in the car with him as he responded to 911 calls from our home by way of his EMS pager/radio. I stayed in the car, watched and waited for him during many accident scenes and medical emergencies that he responded to. When I became old enough to join and volunteer, I enrolled in an EMT course after school hours and the rest was history. Interestingly enough my older brother stayed with EMS for a while and later transitioned his career into Law Enforcement to this date.

What are the most challenging aspects of your job?
As an EMS provider (firefighter/paramedic) I would assume this is a pretty standard answer, which would be trying to change the outcome of a patients situation, knowing it may not change, due to the extent of injuries or illness the patient may have sustained or have been affected by. The daunting task of educating patients regarding bad practices/habits that negatively impact their lives and having to repeat this process by me (EMS) over and over as a result of repetitive poor choices/decisions. As an educator, It would be helping students to understand and tap into his/her full potential in spite of the struggles and challenges many of them face on a daily basis.

What are the most rewarding aspects of your job?
Making a difference no matter how big or small it may be. Seeing students achieve their goal and often moving on to accomplish even greater achievements. It is nice for students to come back and say thank you, but not required. Knowing I helped them along the way, is gratification enough that I have done my job. Seeing that excitement and smile on their face when the light comes on in their head that they can do it!

If you had one extra hour a day, how would you use it?
I would likely spend it doing more work unfortunately as there never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. In reality, I would likely give that time to my family, as I could always spend more time with the ones I love.

What do you like to do outside of your work at 91做厙?
I spend some of my time with Church related activities as I am a musician and play for two churches currently. Family time is always a big priority for me whenever I can. When I am not doing that, I am an avid RC Helicopter / Airplane enthusiast. I build and fly large RC Aircraft and Scale Helicopters. I am a member of the Richmond Area Radio Controlled Club in Charles City, VA which is one of the areas I can legally fly them due to their sizes and the FAA regulations/restrictions. It is very relaxing for me. As if this isn't enough, working in my garage, landscaping, working on vehicles or building things take up the rest of my free time.

What do like most about Richmond? Favorite places to visit? Favorite restaurants?
I would say the diversity is one of Richmond's greatest assets along with being one of the best Food cities in VA. I enjoy visiting local small neighborhood restaurants, Carytown at times and discovering new attractions in the city. I enjoy visiting historic and revitalized areas and any of the sporting venues or sporting events that come to Richmond.

If you won $100 Million in the Mega Millions lottery what would you do with the money?
Well unfortunately, I don't gamble so this would be highly unlikely, but if someone wanted to gift me with $100 million dollars, I would tithe to my local church and give monetary donations to everyday people that I would come in contact with. I love surprising people with kindness when they least expect it. Paying off layaway accounts at various establishments, paying the tolls for a day for random people, taking a family in need on a vacation or shopping spree, paying someone's tuition in full. I could go on and on as I often think about how I could help people pretty regularly. In the meantime, I privately pray for almost everyone I come in contact with that God would give them the desires of their heart, bless and prosper them!