
Jessica Buchanan

Assistant Director of Marketing

Where did you grow up and what was it like?

I grew up in Stafford County, along the Potomac River, which at the time was very rural. On weekends I would play in the woods with my best friends Nutmeg the Great Dane, Bapbo the Basset Hound, Mickey the Chocolate Lab and Tucker the Orange Tabby Cat. My forest adventures would have made a grand children's book.

If you didn't grow up in Richmond, what brought you to the area? And, what brought you to 91做厙?

I am one of those people who keeps leaving Richmond and coming back. This is my third time living in the area. As for coming to 91做厙, it was just a great opportunity.

What were you doing before coming to 91做厙?

I worked for VCU Residential Life and Housing for seven years as their marketing person. There I discovered if you need people to do something, get their moms to tell them to do it.

Tell us about your work here at the college.

I am the Assistant Director of Marketing, so anything dealing with branding, marketing, social media, signage, design might fall within my realm.

Were you always interested in design and marketing?

I was always an art kid, but not everyone appreciated my art. My little sister used to yell at me for ruining her coloring books when I would add on to the pictures and color outside of the lines.

What is your favorite activity outside of work?

I love spending time with my dog Diablo Linus Bond. He came with the name Diablo, but he could not be more of an angel. However, he believes that snuggling is a full-contact sport.

What is your favorite book, movie, or TV show?

My favorite movie is The Birdcage. I watch this movie with my moms and brother every year, and we dance around to, "We are family. I've got all my sisters with me," which plays in the movie's last scene.

If you won $100 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?

Besides the adult things like paying off the house, car and school loans, I would take a trip to Montana. I know it sounds weird, but I met a professional photographer once that worked for National Geographic, and he said that Montana was the most beautiful place he had ever been. Ever since then, I have been so intrigued, and I really want to go.