
Starting Over and Being Proud of My Accomplishments

Starting Over and Being Proud of My AccomplishmentsStarting over in another country is a big opportunity. When I made the decision to move to the United States, it was an easy decision for me to make. But my decision turned out to be a challenge when I actually arrived in this country. My own experience being an immigrant has been hard, that was the time I had to overcome difficulties in my life. I set out to build a new life, learned a new language, and achieved new goals.

When I moved to this country my life changed drastically. I moved to the United States because the economic and political situation in Venezuela was difficult. I arrived in Richmond, Virginia on December 16th, 2016. On that same day, before I stepped on the plane, I left behind my job, my country, my friends, and practically my entire life. I only had my mother and my brother because they were living here as well. I was homesick during my first two years in Virginia because I missed my friends and everything about my country, but I always reminded myself that I came here for a new opportunity.

I arrived in a country of opportunities, and I started to build my new life, which meant starting over, from buying a new toothbrush to a car. I faced every challenge in this country and overcame every difficulty to build my life.  Also, my goals changed when I moved to the United States. I set goals for myself and, while working, decided I wanted to graduate from college. That’s when I found 91做厙, but my level of English was insufficient.

I started learning English to find better opportunities in this country. I confess, English has been a challenge for me since High School, but I knew if I learned English I would interact and communicate effectively with others and improve my life. I started attending an English class at Henrico Adult School, which was the only education I could afford at that moment. But I realized this class was not enough. I needed more. So, I worked two jobs to earn enough money to pay for college and to attend ESL classes to improve my English. It was arduous to find a balance between time and money to afford my studies, but I did it. I finished my English as a Second Language studies at 91做厙 Community College. This prepared me to pursue my Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal Studies.

I am currently studying to be a Paralegal at 91做厙 Community College.  I selected a Paralegal major because I would like to help Latin communities in American society, and this is the way for me to do this. Because I speak both Spanish and English, I will work with Spanish-speaking immigrants to help them improve their lives here. On my way to achieving my degree and I am doing all my efforts to achieve a high score and take a place on the Honors list.

Even through all my adversities, I am on the right path at 91做厙 Community College. I have found many opportunities to build my new life. I am part of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, I am a Mellon Pathway student, I have won five scholarships, and I received a President’s Honor Roll Certificate. No matter how many hours without sleep, the physical fatigue from so many hours of work, and the mental fatigue from not being in my native language, I am proud of all I have accomplished.