EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/1990
REVISED DATE: 10/21/2021
  1. Purpose:

    To provide a safe, healthy and clean work and academic environment, improve indoor and outdoor air quality, and promote the comfort of students, faculty, staff, and guests.

  2. Definitions:

    e-cigarettes: a battery-powered device such as an electronic cigarette, electronic vaping device, personal vaporizer (PV), or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) which simulates cigarette or tobacco smoking.

  3. Policy:

    1. Smoking, exhaling, inhaling or spitting any substance, by any method, including but not limited to tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and aromatic smoking products, such as clove cigarettes, herbal cigarettes, etc., is prohibited:

      1. inside all college-owned and managed facilities
      2. in college-owned and leased vehicles;
      3. on college loading docks; and
      4. within twenty-five feet (25 ft.) of any college-owned or managed buildings.
    2. Use of marijuana is prohibited on campus grounds.

    3. Eating and drinking are prohibited in:

      1. instructional laboratories, unless exceptions are approved by the vice president of finance and administration or vice president of workforce development;
      2. computer laboratories;
      3. designated computer areas of all libraries; and
      4. the Jeanette S. Lipman Auditorium of the Massey Library Technology Center on the Parham Road Campus.
  4. Procedures:

    Procedures for Eating, Drinking, and Smoking in College Facilities, 4-3

  5. Other Information:
