EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/18/2011
REVISED DATE: 05/26/2022
  1. Purpose:

    By establishing guidelines for the qualification of instructors to teach distance learning and hybrid (online asynchronous and synchronous) courses, and by establishing criteria for documenting ongoing currency of knowledge and skills to teach those courses, this policy will:

    • empower 91做厙 faculty to support student success in distance learning and hybrid classrooms;
    • ensure an appropriately skilled instructor pool for distance learning and hybrid courses;
    • assure courses meet required guidelines; and
    • assure compliance with expectations for faculty and course development as outlined by NC-SARA, C-RAC guidelines, and other accrediting and governing bodies.
  2. Definitions:

    CETL – Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning: the center that ensures the quality of online courses offered at 91做厙 (91做厙).

    Non-traditional: class codes as currently in use (i.e., OA, LO, HO, HP, or HD designation for courses offered online, asynchronous and synchronous modalities).

    Quality Matters™ (QM™): a faculty-centered, peer-review process for certifying distance learning courses. Quality Matters™ and QM™ are trademarks of MarylandOnline (MOL).

    Substantive Professional Development: the regular and Substantive Interactions workshop currently offered by CETL.

  3. Policy:

    1. Faculty who are new to teaching online asynchronous (non-traditional) courses are certified upon completion of an approved training offered by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) or training offered by a training partner approved by CETL.

    2. Faculty who are qualified to teach online can develop an online course or teach an online course that has already been developed and approved. An approved course meets the criteria for effective online courses. That criteria is provided by the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL).

    3. Faculty members who completed the required training but have not taught an online course within 18 months will demonstrate their currency in pedagogical knowledge and technology skills before being assigned a non-traditional section.

    4. Faculty who routinely teach non-traditional courses will demonstrate their currency in pedagogical / andragogic knowledge and technology skills for online teaching as part of the comprehensive faculty evaluation.

  4. Procedures:

    Procedures for Qualification of Distance Learning or Hybrid Learning Instructors, 2-01

  5. Other Information:

    (open link below in Chrome browser)