Student FAQs

Do I have to inform 91°µÍø Community College that I have a disability or medical condition?

No. However, if you want to receive any accommodations, you must identify yourself as having a disability or medical condition to the Office of Student Accommodations. Students seeking accommodations must complete an application for accommodations and provide documentation of their disability.

How do I complete an application to request accommodations?
How do I provide documentation of my disability or medical condition?

You can upload a copy of your documentation when completing the online application,  email to OSA , or drop it off at one of our offices.

What kind of documentation should I provide?

Documentation of disability can be copies of medical records, chart notes or reports from an appropriate health care or mental health professional that provide information about the nature of the disability. An IEP or 504 Plan from a school can be submitted, but you may be asked to submit additional information.  You can also ask your health provider to complete the  Disability Certification Form .

What happens after I complete my application and submit documentation?

You will be scheduled for an Intake appointment and meet with an OSA staff member who will review your application and documentation with you and determine what accommodations will be approved.

When should I request accommodations?

If you are a new student, you can do this as soon as you have decided to enroll at 91°µÍø. For any new or current student, we highly encourage you to apply prior to the start of the semester, or as early in the semester as possible. This will help ensure we have enough time to review your request and provide the appropriate accommodations.

If I request accommodations after I have taken any tests, will I be allowed to re-take those tests with accommodations?

No, accommodations begin at the time that your professor receives the accommodation letter.  Accommodations may not be backdated or used to adjust grades on previous tests, quizzes or assignments.

I have a physical disability and do not need any accommodations. Do I have to meet with the OSA?

No, however, it is recommended that in case of an emergency, you understand the college’s Emergency Evacuation Plans.  For assistance you should contact 91°µÍø’ Office of Security.

What is 91°µÍø’ policy on attendance for students with disabilities?

OSA does not determine course attendance policies at 91°µÍø.  Students are required to adhere to policies established by faculty that are outlined on the course syllabus.  Modification to attendance policies would be determined on a case-by-case basis.

How are faculty notified that I have accommodations?

Once you have completed the intake process with the OSA, you will be emailed an Accommodation Notification.  Your professors will receive a copy as well.  You are responsible for scheduling a time to discuss/review your accommodations with your professors.  Accommodations begin at the time your professor receives the Notification email.  It is the student’s responsibility to request Accommodation Notifications at the start of every semester.

I’m a visiting student from another university taking classes for the semester?  What documentation do I need to provide?

A letter of accommodations from your home college should be sufficient documentation. During your intake appointment, the OSA staff will let you know if additional documentation is needed.

Does 91°µÍø provide testing if someone believes they have a learning disability or ADHD?

The college does not provide diagnostic services for students.  Contact the OSA to receive information on service providers in your area.

Faculty FAQs

As the instructor, what can I do to make a student feel more comfortable about approaching me for an accommodations appointment?

Make an announcement during the first week of classes inviting students who need accommodations(extended time for testing, interpreters, volunteer note takers, etc.) to meet with you for a private discussion. Example: “If there is any student in this class who needs for special test-taking, note taking, or other accommodations, please feel free to come and discuss this with me.” A statement in class such as the one above can go a long way toward encouraging students with disabilities to approach the instructor early—which is what you want and they need. Don’t think making an announcement will eliminate the syllabus statement. There should be a syllabus statement regarding disability accommodations printed in YOUR syllabus (samples are in this handbook pg.  )

Why doesn't the OSA inform instructors of the students’ accommodation needs instead of the student?

While the OSA approves the accommodations and provides the Accommodation Notification forms, the student is responsible for notifying the instructors of their accommodation needs and discussing how the accommodations will be provided in each class. Additionally, the OSA staff is a resource for students so they can develop the independence and self-advocacy skills that will help them while in college and beyond. Students with disabilities NEED to learn how to explain their disability, describe their needs, and negotiate appropriate accommodations.

Who is eligible to receive services from the Office of Student Accommodations (OSA)?

Anyone attending classes at 91°µÍø Community College who has a documented disability is eligible to receive services. A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity, such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working.  Students must complete the application process and meet with OSA to be approved for accommodations.

Students with physical disability and who do not need any accommodations should still register with the OSA?

It is recommended that in case of an emergency, you understand the college’s Emergency Evacuation Plans. For assistance, you should contact the JSRCC’s Office of Security.

What is JSRCC’s policy on attendance for students with disabilities?

Policy 1-15  provides students and faculty with the college policy and procedures for requesting and receiving accommodations.

The OSA does not determine course attendance policies at JSRCC. Students are required to adhere to policies established by faculty that are outlined on the course syllabus, however there may be times where students may require an accommodation related to attendance.  This will be discussed and determined through an interactive process with OSA & the faculty member.

When should the student disclose that they have a disability?

Students may disclose their disability at any time, but we encourage them to do so as early in the semester.  Some students are not aware of OSA until after the semester has begun.

Why would a student with a disability benefit from academic accommodations?

Accommodations are provided for students as a means of leveling the playing field, and allowing equal access in the academic environment. Accommodations are used to assist a student with a disability in receiving accommodations related to their specific need, but do not guarantee success.

What kind of teaching styles work best for students with disabilities?

One of the most effective ways to ensure all students have access to the educational environment is to use a multi-modal approach to teaching. Use a variety of teaching styles - incorporate lectures with demonstrations, group work, written and oral assignments, Internet and multimedia materials.